
Michael Andonie

visualizing the languages of appreciation
about the project:

Love Languages are a popular concept introduced in Gary Chapman's eponymous book.

In that books, Chapman suggests that different people have different preferences for expressing appreciation. This model is typically applied in romantic partnerships.

Helpful Beyond the Romantic World

However, giving and receiving appreciation is needed beyond the world of romance: teams, groups, and entire organizations benefit when people know how to 'be nice' to each other the best way. In past facilitations, I sometimes found it helpful providing a team of collaborators with the tool of Love Languages.

This experience led me to design printable Love Languages Cards that provide concrete behavioral examples that work well in a variety of different relationships.

A Visual Identiy for Appreciation

Since these cards would be printed, I took the time to create an evocative visual identity:

colors and typography

colors and typography

Which can be applied to consistent iconography:

icons for the five languages

icons for the five languages

Demo Cards